The manifestation of the world is a process in which Spirit folds back and reflects itself with its own being as the mirror. This reflection is manifested as an involution (the reversal of evolution) of consciousness from an unbounded state of pure infinite awareness to a bounded state of divided physical existence. The various scriptures detail the fall of the gross physical world and mankind from a sphere of undivided existence into a diminished state of being in which the individual ego is faced with fear, danger, hatred, disease, war and countless other misfortunes arising from duality or the false idea of division in the indivisible spirit. Instead of living in a state of unbounded bliss, mankind is observed to live without wisdom, experiencing divided states that fluctuate wildly between sorrow and joy. Standing in this desert of spiritual poverty, mankind receives the gift of scriptures through compassionate sages that provide him with a roadmap for finding the way back to eternal joy. Ignorance rooted in the illusion of the ego however creates conflict between different religions and promotes intolerance, hatred and bigotry. In truth, there is absolute unity in the message of the world’s religions and spiritual traditions.
All phenomena in the realm of manifestation are nothing other than the dynamic motion of spirit. By retracing the path traversed by consciousness, the realm of the afterlife is explained in the context of the progression of consciousness through the unfolding of spirit in an evolutionary process of self-unveiling. At the dawn of the cosmos, spirit hides or veils itself as matter. Spirit then unveils itself from matter and reveals itself as life. Eventually spirit unveils itself from life and reveals itself as the sense-mind. At the end of the outward process of evolution, spirit unveils itself as intellect in mankind. At the level of mankind, there is no more outward evolution, and the process of evolution folds back and continues in an inward direction. The inward process of evolution proceeds through two realms which are the sphere of life and the sphere of ideas. The two inner spheres are the domains of experience in the afterlife.
Of particular importance in the evolution of consciousness is the state of cosmic consciousness that one must attain to reach the indestructible abode of eternal bliss. In the state of cosmic consciousness, one experiences oneness with the entire universe, feels compassion and love for all beings, experiences eternal bliss, is aware of their immortality and lives in the eternal now. Having reached the state of cosmic consciousness the soul is freed forever and ever. With the individual wave of joy having consciously reunited with the ocean of joyComputer Technology Articles, the soul enjoys infinite and eternal bliss. That is eternal life.
Albert Chiwara is the author of “On the Meaning of Everything: The Hidden Secret behind the Eternal Philosophy of Life” available at, and
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