We call ourselves the human race; where are we racing to? The grave.

  When you find happiness in a smile that is success, enjoy each day no matter what happens.  When I was in Africa, the government provided continuous dog and pony shows.  We went to an orphanage to show all the great work we were doing.  I had been on enough of these that I was not thrilled at escorting some diplomats through more lies. Before the dignitaries arrived, we received the quick tour and told not to go to the room where the children there were terminally ill.  You guessed it, I went in the room, and there were several children lying down on the floor on mats.  I lay down next to the children, and they smiled at me.  These children could not have been any older than six, and I do not think they had many visitors.  A few brave little souls crawled up to me and put their little heads on me.  I do not think they had ever seen a Caucasian before, so as the others were getting the tour, I had more than a moment of bliss with these little children.  Their lives were almost over but their memory will be with me forever. It does not take a lot of light to wipe out darkness now, does it?  Never be afraid to try something new.  A lone amateur built the Ark, a large group of professionals built the Titanic.

If you are not getting the results you want and you know what you want your outcome to be, what should you do?  You change your approach.  Try something new and keep changing your approach until you achieve the results that you desire.  Your intuition will guide you.  It is not our job to figure out the how; our mission is to figure out the what.  The how will take care of itself through inspirational dissatisfaction.  Alternatively, perhaps an intuitive thought or action if we are aware, wide-awake, and have faith that the object of our desire is on the way.  If you see it in your mind, you can hold it in your hand.

“All that we are is a result of what we have thought.”
—Buddha (563 BCE-483 BCE)

“Take the first step in faith.  You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just the first step.”
—Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.  (1929-1968)


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