Make Miracles Happen (i.e.) Need a Miracle?

You need a miracle. Perhaps this would be the perfect time for something
miraculous to happen. Like a white bearded, handsome God shining light
down on you saying “Hello down there. I remember you. Here’s an olive
branch with your lifeline. Have this blank check and a gift certificate to
Starbucks. Enjoy.” Wouldn’t that be nice? A juicy ripe miracle every time
we needed one.
So what exactly is a miracle? Each of you has a different idea of what a
miracle is. Before this point, you might have believed that miracles are
only random acts of God. For some, a miracle is an unexplainable act that
no human could possibly accomplish alone. Or maybe you simply define a
miracle as, “something that can never happen to me.”
If your definition falls into one of these categories, or something similar, I
am challenging you to set aside everything you’ve been told and consider
that there’s something more to miracles that you’ve yet to learn.
So you see, a miracle is not necessarily an unpredictable act of God. There
are so many types of miracles that if you opened your eyes, you could see
miracles twenty four hours in a day. In truth, you already have the miracle
gene within you, thus you are a Miracle Maker whether you know it or not.

For Even More Great Information Click Here!
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Your Recommended Daily Allowance for Relaxation

Your Recommended Daily Allowance for Relaxation

Stress is the curse of living in modern times. Everyone suffers from stress. And the stress we suffer takes a heavy toll on our bodies, emotions and minds.

Feeling stressed out, worn out by fatigue or just simply having a miserable day, the best thing to do is relax.

Watching television may be a form of relaxation for some, but is not a recommended method by experts. When we watch TV we are bombarded with commercials, ads, sounds and images. So how do we achieve relaxation? If there are thousands of ways we can get stressed, one of them is not meeting deadlines, there are also many ways we can relax.

In recent studies, experts have determined that heart disease is linked to anger and irritability is linked to mental stress. Too much stress brings about ischemia that can lead to or cause a heart attack. Relaxation takes on added importance in light of this matter. Managing your anger and attitude is significant to heart health, and relaxation can help you manage stress.

One way of relaxation is transcendental meditation. Recent studies have also shown that this method might reduce artery blockage, which is a major cause for heart attack and stroke. People practice transcendental meditation by repeating uttering soothing sounds while meditating, this is to achieve total relaxation. The researchers found that practitioners of transcendental meditation significantly reduced the thickness of their arterial wall compared with those who didn't practice transcendental meditation.

Another study on another method of relaxation, acupuncture, seems to reduce high blood pressure by initiating several body functions for the brain to release chemical compounds known as endorphins. Endorphin helps to relax muscles, ease panic, decrease pain, and reduce anxiety.

Yoga is also another method for relaxation and may also have similar effects like acupuncture. In another study, participants were subjected to several minutes of mental stress. Then they were subjected to various relaxation techniques, such as listening to nature sounds or classical music. Only those who did Yoga significantly reduced the time it took for their blood pressures to go back to normal. Yoga is a form of progressive relaxation.

Breathing is one of the easiest methods to relax. Breathing influences alamost all aspects of us, it affects our mind, our moods and our body. Simply focus on your breathing, after some time you can feel its effects right away.

There are several breathing techniques that can help you reduce stress.

Another easy way to achieve relaxation is exercise. If you feel irritated a simple half-hour of exercise will often settle things down. Although exercise is a great way to lose weight, it does not show you how to manage stress appropriately. Exercise should also be used in conjunction with other exercise method.

One great way of relaxation is getting a massage. To gain full relaxation, you need to totally surrender to the handling and touch of a professional therapist.

There are several types of massages that also give different levels of relaxation.

Another method of relaxation is Biofeedback. The usual biofeedback-training program includes a 10-hour sessions that is often spaced one week apart.

Hypnosis is one controversial relaxation technique. It is a good alternative for people who think that they have no idea what it feels like to be relaxed. It is also a good alternative for people with stress related health problems.SelfHypnosis eCourse

Drugs are extreme alternatives to relaxation. They are sometimes not safe and are not effective like the other relaxation methods. This method is only used by trained medical professionals on their patients.

These relaxation techniques are just some of the ways you can achieve relaxation. Another reason why we need to relax, aside from lowering blood pressure in people and decreasing the chances of a stroke or a heart attack, is because stress produces hormones that suppress the immune system, relaxation gives the immune system time to recover and in doing so function more efficiently.

Relaxation lowers the activities within the brains' limbic system; this is the emotional center of our brain.

Furthermore, the brain has a periodic need for a more pronounced activity on the right-hemisphere. Relaxation is one way of achieving this.

Relaxation can really be of good use once a relaxation technique is regularly built into your lifestyle. Choose a technique that you believe you can do regularly.

Highly Recommend: Amazing Brain Training
SelfHypnosis eCourse

The World Within and the World Without

“Love is something eternal; the aspect may cha...Image by Ana Santos via Flickr

There are only two worlds. The world within and the world without.
The world within creates the world without.
The world within is mental/spiritual, the world without is material/physical.
Complete understanding of the two worlds is perfect knowledge.
The key is to understand the world within and use it to rule the world without.
The world within is the cause, the world without is the effect.
The inner governs the outer always. The outer is a reflection of the inner.
The outer conditions mirror the inner consciousness.
The world within and the world without are not two separate worlds. They are two different levels of the
same world.
The world is mental. All is mind, the universe is mental. As above so below, as within so without. This is
secret knowledge.
The two most important kinds of knowledge are secret knowledge and governing knowledge. One gives
you awareness, the other gives you power.
Secret Knowledge is knowing how things work and understanding what’s going on. The reason why it is
secret is because it is not normally known. It is so powerful that only those with insight and perception can
appreciate its value. Only conscious people can see reality for what it really is.
When you have this knowledge, you can use it first to govern yourself, then use it to govern everything
else. This is called using secret knowledge as governing knowledge.
Governing knowledge is knowledge that runs your psyche. It is the governing statements of your mind
that determine what you do, how you do it and why you do it. It is the operating dynamics that controls
your thoughts, your emotions and your behaviors. What governs your mind, governs your reality.
By governing yourself, you can govern the world. When you can control yourself, you can control others.
You can only control what is without by controlling what is within. All control is self control.
To be in control, you must know. All knowledge is self knowledge.
You can overcome something by overcoming it within. When you overcome it within yourself, you
overcome it in the world.
Get the complete ebook Matrix of Mind Reality by clicking here
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The Greatest Secrets of Life and Reality Revealed:

Gibson's LandingImage by ecstaticist via Flickr

The secret of wealth is consciousness of wealth. In order to experience abundance, you have to be abundant. Abundance is your true nature, and when you think, act and live according to it, you will manifest abundance. The rich in mentality get richer while the poor in mentality get poorer. The accumulation of material wealth begins with wealth consciousness. Pursuing spiritual development before working on wealth creation is the key to attaining both inner and outer riches. The outer is reflection of inner…

The secret of health is consciousness of health. Disease is a lack of ease psychologically and physically. Conflicting thoughts and feelings in your consciousness is what causes this state of distress. When you notice yourself becoming sick, watch for conflicting thoughts that have arisen within your consciousness and resolve them. Either push them all one way or the other, or find a way to hold them in a harmonious way. External remedies only cure symptoms but dealing with consciousness cures at root…

The secret of secrets is the consciousness of secrets. All the truths about life are not secrets, but they are hidden from us due to our ignorance. By thinking about the discovery of truths as a search for the secrets, we motivate our subconscious mind to go on a treasure hunt. The greatest treasure in this world is wisdom, and life is to be played as a treasure hunting game. Treasures are meant to be appreciated and so when you think of truths as secrets, your appreciative mindset will draw them all to you…

Timothy Kendrick
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Being Enlightened Gets You Everything In Life

Flower FireImage by Reinante El Pintor de Fuego via Flickr

Enlightenment is about seeing through the illusions of life and knowing what reality really is. When you
are enlightened, you can have everything you want. Because you’ll know the truth about what everything
is, and what does it really mean to have something. It is an irony of the world that the people who seek
material things and desire to have them before thinking about enlightenment, tend to attain neither, but
those that acquire enlightenment first are the ones who do. The desireless attain all their desires.
Being desireless is not about having no desire, but it is about having no attachment to desire. Attachment
is the cause of all suffering. Suffering is burning emotional energy on the uncontrollable. The more you
suffer, the more suffering you attract. Letting go of all attachments is the way to end all suffering. When
you are attached, you are in a state of wanting or lacking. When you are detached, you are in a state of
being desireless. Enlightenment is about knowing why detachment gets you your desire.
Physical reality is an illusion created by consciousness to rediscover itself. It is an illusion that you do not
have what you already want, because you already have all that you desire in spiritual reality. Physical
reality is a place for you to manifest anything that you are resonating with from spiritual reality. When you
are attached, you are resonating with the spiritual untruth that you do not have your desire. When you are
detached, you are resonating with the spiritual truth that you already have your desire.
You free yourself by being emotionally detached from choices. Many people fail to get what they want
because they do not free themselves to have it. You trap yourself when you are attached to choices. You
think that it has to work a particular way rather than allowing yourself to go another way. Detachment from
choices is what gives you true freedom of choice. You are able to choose again in every moment and are
free to make a different choice if you will. Detachment from choice is secret of flexibility.
Stock market trading success comes to those who trade in an enlightened way. The masses are
emotionally attached to choices and that is why they lose money when they hold on to failing stocks
instead of selling them. They also fail to sell when the stock has reached a substantial level of growth
because they are attached to seeing it grow forever. The elite traders are not attached to choices but they
buy and sell freely in a way that makes them more money than losing it. To be unattached is to be free.
Having the relationships you want also comes from being enlightened. What a woman really wants is an
enlightened man. He is a man who realizes his true being as a free spirit. He is free to express himself to
her and he is free from being affected by her. Being detached is the attractive quality that makes a man
uncontrollable by a lady. Being undefined by external factors is what makes him self assured. He is
capable of loving fearlessly and loving without attachment. Enlightened loving is loving like a god.
Those who are enlightened get what they want by benefiting from movement and changes, whether
positive or negative. It no longer matters to them whether the stock goes up or down. They have
strategies to make money either way. It no longer matters to them whether which person likes or don’t like
them, or when their partner is happy or unhappy with them. They simply allow themselves to enjoy all the
happiness and positive energy they experience from whoever, whenever and however it comes.
Enlightened manifestation of your desires is about getting the essence of what you want and not being
attached to the form or channel. Those who are attached to form or channel will suffer more and more,
and have less and less self esteem. Whereas those who are not attached will be able to enjoy more and
more of the things they like in life, and have more and more self esteem. Those who have more self
esteem are more capable of having the success and relationships they want compared to the others.
Freedom from attachment is also the reason why the rich get richer and the happy get happier, while the
poor get poorer and the unhappy get unhappier. Having comes from being. When you are being
detached, you are resonating with having. When you are being attached, you are resonating with not
having. That is why it has always been said that you will finally be able to have what you want when you
no longer want it. It does not mean you do not want it, but you are no longer in a state of wanting it.
All that we want is peace and bliss. We think that when we have all the material things we want, we will
have peace and bliss. But that is because we don’t really know what peace and bliss are. It is peace and
bliss that bring us everything else in life. Peace is total transcendence. Bliss is an untouchable happiness.
When we transcend all illusions of the material world, we are in a state of peace where we can manifest
anything we want. When we have no attachments, we have a happiness that cannot go.
Enlightenment is the key to everything. The unenlightened may ask what enlightenment has got to do
with making the money or getting the girl that you want. The answer is everything. When you are
enlightened, you realize that it is not about getting this or that, but it is all about knowing what reality is,
and who you really are. Then from that space of knowingness and beingness, you are free to create
whatever you wish. You’re free to play with illusions without being trapped by any, as it is all just a game.
If you want to FINALLY experience the COMPLETE Manifestation of All the
Miracles, Success, Wealth, Health, Love and Happiness that you have
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Would You like Your Own Personal Genie?

Be honest - which of the following phrases have you said to yourself,
after studying a ton of self help materials?

* "Does the Law of Attraction work or doesn't ?"
* "Why is this not working for me ? "
* "Why I'm not getting the results that I truly deserve ?"

If you ask yourself these questions from time to time, then continue
reading this page The Attractor Genie
because you've already spent far too much time doing
what doesn't work!

You will learn about the Secret Software behind the law of attraction
that will organize all you dreams, goals and actions into a working plan.

Attractor Genie represents a focused and structured approach for practicing
and applying the Law of Attraction.


Here are just a few of the many things Attractor Genie can "train"
your mind to do...

--> Create a life plan(mind map).
--> Uncover and remove ALL your limiting beliefs in a flash!
--> Banish negative thoughts, for good!
--> Create a list of powerful affirmations.
--> Effectively visualize your goals and desires.
--> Create a Vision Board.
--> Keep a Gratitude Journal.
--> Create Subliminal Messages.
--> Create Sticky Notes on your desktop to remind you about
your goals.
--> and much more...

I'm not sure how to convey just how powerful this software can be
for you.

The principles you'll learn by using the Attractor Genie Software
will tell you exactly how to alter the experiences you are getting
by working from the inside out.

As for what you can achieve with these steps....Anything you can
imagine! The truth is, there are no limits, other than the ones in
your own mind.

Here's how the software works: The Attractor Genie

Attractor Genie Software is changing lives worldwide. Will yours be next ?
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FIRST LAW: Relation of Power to "Tone". The effectiveness of magnetism in action depends upon harmony of "tone" between its possessor and any other person, and in securing such "tone" harmony, on any magnetic plane, in any particular psychic state, at any given time, psychic and physical magnetism mutually cooperate.

SECOND LAW: Magnetic Intention. The magnetic intention ("I INTEND MAGNETICALLY") intensifies otherwise unconscious magnetism, and runs through all the mass of general etheric vibrations like a theme in complicated music, imparting to them unity, character, intelligence, and definite and enormous effectiveness in practical employment.

THIRD LAW: Influence of Purpose. In the employment of magnetism, long-run purpose establishes etheric character, and specialized purpose confirms that character if it concentrates the general purpose, but confuses that character, perhaps destroys it, if it antagonizes the general purpose.

FOURTH LAW: Force of the Ideal. Idealism of motive determines the character of etheric vibrations, and idealism of magnetic activities determines the quality of magnetism achieved.

FIFTH LAW: Sway of Other Interest. The general sway of other interest in life, and the particular influence of other interest on special occasions, impart to uses of magnetism enormous effectiveness, and not least in relation to self.

SIXTH LAW: Reaction of Admiration. The consciousness of admiration for others, recognized by them, reacts with tremendous power to stimulate magnetic action.

SEVENTH LAW: Measure of the Intake. In the magnetic life, intake of power is correctly measured by output of power: inversely in waste, directly in intelligent expenditure.

EIGHTH LAW: Adjustment. Magnetic effectiveness is proportioned to accuracy and fulness of adjustment, to things, to laws, to forces, to times, to situations, to qualities, to facts, to truths, to persons, and only studied experience can discover and establish such adjustment.

The problems of adjustment to persons are these:

With inferiors, to put self magnetically, without appearance of condescension, on their levels for the end in view, applying then the general principles of magnetism.

With equals, to apply the general principles.

With superiors, to assume their level while magnetically deferring, without adulation or humility, to such superiority, regardless of its reality or unreality, for the end in view, applying the general principles of magnetism.

NINTH LAW: The magnetism of identity. The magnetic value of adjustment expresses the force and completeness with which the individual can identify himself with another person, suggesting oneness through attitude, gesture, act, eye, tone, language, and telepathic sympathy.

TENTH LAW: The use of reactions. Magnetic skill exhibits in the manner in which beneficial reactions are received and utilized, negative or indifferent reactions are ostensibly ignored, yet constituted stimulation for further persistent magnetic action, and hostile reactions are refused, without ostentation, but with determination (if worth while) to "win out" through better adjustment and increased magnetic endeavor.

ELEVENTH LAW: Magnetic attack. Magnetic success demands the direct attack when etheric harmony of "tone" is assured, but the indirect method otherwise; that is, such attack-methods as will secure that harmony.

TWELFTH LAW: The conquest of antagonism. Magnetism ostensibly ognores, and refrains from, exciting antagonism; but, when antagonism is evident, rejects it and proceeds on the indirect attack, or openly accepts it and adopts the direct or the indirect method as the one or the other promises speediest and most perfect harmony of "tone".

THIRTEENTH LAW: Mortal antipathies. Success-Magnetism conquers the influence of deep-seated natural antipathies only by avoiding their causes.

FOURTEENTH LAW: Re-adjustment. The etheric life is unceasing reaction, and magnetism, therefore, demonstrates itself by squaring with every issue and making of every change and every defeat a new opportunity.

FIFTEENTH LAW: Control of output. It is an important to know when to open the circuit that is, to cut off the current of magnetic force as it is to know when to close the circuit to pour forth magnetic influences.

SIXTEENTH LAW: Concession. Concession becomes magnetic in its timeliness. If premature or belated, it defeats magnetism.

SEVENTEENTH LAW: Harmonic conditions. Magnetism enhances through beauty of personal surroundings, in cleanliness, order, adornment, art, literature, music, and the like.

EIGHTEENTH LAW: Sovereignty of will. is the director of native and unconscious magnetism and the creator and director of developed magnetism. Power of will is indispensable to magnetic power.

NINETEENTH LAW: Energy in magnetic action. The projection of magnetic influence proportions to inner, conscious intensity of psychic and nervous states. Exploding powder in the gun calls for the man behind the weapon, and the soul within the man, and powerful vibrations within the soul's arena, and magnetic intention within the vibrations, and psychic energy within the intention.

TWENTIETH LAW: Self-control. Magnetic power becomes effective precisely as mastery of self, in restraint and in handling, approaches perfection.

TWENTY-FIRST LAW: Magnetic handling of self. The attitude of magnetism, the magnetic intention and psychic pose, "I stand positively magnetic toward this person or this situation," constantly maintained, ultimately instructs in all the arts of magnetic self-handling through the law of auto-suggestion, and realizes in practical form its own ideals.

TWENTY-SECOND LAW: The magnetic mask. The mask of magnetism achieves effectiveness when it covers personal states and purposes in a manner positively to attract, and in that manner alone.

TWENTY-THIRD LAW: Magnetic consciousness. Intense magnetic consciousness without thought concerning it secures, by its uplifting and stimulating influence, the greatest exaltation of personal powers when employed.

TWENTY-FOURTH LAW: Magnetic faith. A deep and vital faith in the certainty of magnetic success renders all latent and developed magnetism dynamic, if that faith is thrown into action.

TWENTY-FIFTH LAW: The demand in use. In the application of magnetism to any task, intense, persistent demand upon the Universal Forces swings them directly into the effort.

TWENTY-SIXTH LAW: The affirmation in use. When, in the application of magnetism, one affirms, mentally, intensely, persistently, "I am receiving and exerting power," he unconsciously calls to aid all the success-elements and makes himself a center toward which the Universal Forces inevitably gravitate.

TWENTY-SEVENTH LAW: The magnetic telescope. The magnetic attitudes, faith, demand and affirmation, constitute a magnetic telescope through which the distant goal of success is magnified and all nearer obstacles, lures and irritating conditions are closed out of view.

TWENTY-EIGHTH LAW: Magnetic accumulations. Magnetism, through correct application to life, not only develops in the individual, but accumulates in his environment, and reacts beneficially without direct personal supervision.

TWENTY-NINTH LAW: The personal atmosphere. The personal atmosphere exactly reflects the inner self, and it furnishes a perfect field for magnetic effectiveness only when the self and the body are clean and buoyantly healthy.

THIRTIETH LAW: Subordination of physical magnetism. In the subordination of physical to psychic magnetism, each finds its greatest effectiveness according to the relative development of both orders.

THIRTY-FIRST LAW: The fixed idea. Long-continued association with some fixed, great and attractive idea sets into operation certain deep, subconscious operations of the soul, which, for a time unrecognized and unmanifest in life, gradually and surely coordinate all individual powers thereto, induce a working of the whole system in harmony therewith, and finally emerge in the objective life and consciousness as a unified, actual dynamic force. The idea has swung the individual, has transformed him, has harmonized and intensified his faculties and his personal ether, has come to sovereignty in his personal atmosphere, and from there exerts a dynamic force upon other people and life's conditions.

This Article has tried to saturate you with the idea of success coordinating with its necessary elements, and has thus endeavored to swing your whole being into mighty belief that large success is also for you.

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10 Ways to Empower Your Communication without Kissing A Rock

Kissing the Blarney stone

10 Ways to Empower Your Communication

The Blarney Stone is a historical stone, or actually part of the Blarney Castle in Ireland where it was believed that kissing the stone can grant you the gift of gab. Yeah, it seems strange in this day and age, but who are we to question tradition? It's not like I'm saying that Santa Claus doesn't exist (OOPS!).

There is so much to know about conversation that anyone, even I, could ever realize. You can go though watching talk shows; radio programs; clubs dedicated to public speaking; ordinary conversations; certain rules still apply when it comes to interaction through words. It may sound tedious, I know, but even though it's your mouth that's doing the work, your brain works twice as hard to churn out a lot of things you know. So what better way to start learning to be an effective communication is to know the very person closest to you: yourself.

1. What you know.
Education is all about learning the basics, but to be an effective speaker is to practice what you've learned. My stint as guest at every Toastmasters' meeting I go to taught me that we all have our limitations, but that doesn't mean we can't learn to keep up and share what we know.

2. Listening.
It's just as important as asking questions. Sometimes listening to the sound of our own voice can teach us to be a little bit confident with ourselves and to say the things we believe in with conviction.

3. Humility
We all make mistakes, and sometimes we tend to slur our words, stutter, and probably mispronounce certain words even though we know what it means, but rarely use it only to impress listeners. So in a group, don't be afraid to ask if you're saying the right word properly and if they're unsure about it then make a joke out of it. I promise you it'll make everyone laugh and you can get away with it as well.

4. Eye Contact
There's a lot to say when it comes to directing your attention to your audience with an eye-catching gaze. It's important that you keep your focus when talking to a large group in a meeting or a gathering, even though he or she may be gorgeous.

5. Kidding around
A little bit of humor can do wonders to lift the tension, or worse boredom when making your speech. That way, you'll get the attention of the majority of the crowd and they'll feel that you're just as approachable, and as human to those who listen.

6. Be like the rest of them
Interaction is all about mingling with other people. You'll get a lot of ideas, as well as knowing what people make them as they are.

7. Me, Myself, and I
Admit it, there are times you sing to yourself in the shower. I know I do! Listening to the sound of your own voice while you practice your speech in front of a mirror can help correct the stress areas of your pitch. And while you're at it you can spruce up as well.

8. With a smile
A smile says it all much like eye contact. There's no point on grimacing or frowning in a meeting or a gathering, unless it's a wake. You can better express what you're saying when you smile.

9. A Role Model
There must be at least one or two people in your life you have listened to when they're at a public gathering or maybe at church. Sure they read their lines, but taking a mental note of how they emphasize what they say can help you once you take center stage.

10. Preparation
Make the best out of preparation rather than just scribbling notes and often in a hurried panic. Some people like to write things down on index cards, while other resort to being a little more silly as they look at their notes written on the palm of their hand (not for clammy hands, please). Just be comfortable with what you know since you enjoy your work.

And that about wraps it up. These suggestions are rather amateurish in edgewise, but I've learned to empower myself when it comes to public or private speaking and it never hurts to be with people to listen how they make conversations and meetings far more enjoyable as well as educational.

Now Get This Ebook

How to be a Master Communicator

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If you are ready to create the lifestyle of your dreams, check out this complimentary gift...

Are you feeling as though you need your own government bailout to survive the topsy-turvy global crisis? Can you even imagine being able to feel gratitude for the devastation you and many others are experiencing? That idea probably sounds absolutely insane to you.
But that is exactly what David G. is so excited about. He has discovered an almost magical formula that turns the topsy-turvy world right side up. We have all been bombarded with information about our thoughts creating our reality. Most of us have that principle down pat; at least mentally. But making that truth work in real life situations is another matter. For most it isn’t working too well.

David’s formula enables you to drill down and expose the major reason all the head knowledge you have hasn’t given you the power you need to navigate the tumultuous times we’re living through. Almost everyone is trying to do what Albert Einstein warned us about. They are trying to solve their problems with the same ideas and beliefs that created the problems. This, he said, is the definition of insanity.

Until we come to a place where we know without a doubt that we have to create a whole new way of evaluating ourselves and our world, we will remain in the topsy-turvy chaotic mess, running in place, going nowhere.

To be grateful for losses is the first step to soul recovery which is key to creating your own personal bailout program. We cannot build a joy-filled abundant life on top of dead, toxic beliefs and ideas of the past.

David’s formula is one of the first ever programs to break through the veneer of countless self-help programs to get at the root of the problem. He makes the necessary “root canal” of the soul a joyful adventure. You will be able to release the false beliefs about yourself and life in general that has almost crippled you and prevented you from making sense of the insanity and enjoying your life.

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You deserve to know the truth. What went wrong and when, the “secrets” of living your dream lifestyle…

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You will also find out how to apply the law of attraction with greater success.

How poor inner game planning and lifestyle design results in your working too much for too little.

And most of all, you will burst the 10 myths that perpetuate the lie that your dreams cannot be achieved.

The promise of this special Manifesto:

You will be working less, doing only what you love and are strong at, outsourcing your weaknesses, making more money and achieving your dream lifestyle - simply by being who you are.

Take my hand and lets explore new places. Sometimes in life to get what we've never had, we must go to places we've never been. I'm excited we're doing this together. As we say in my homeland of Kenya, the time is NOW for TWENDE...that means, LETS GO!

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Busting the 10 Myths... The Myths That Say, Quite Convincingly, Why Your Dreams Cannot Be Achieved. Let's Bust Them!

The enormous "Crystal Palace" went f...Image via Wikipedia

Busting the 10 Myths... The Myths That Say, Quite Convincingly, Why Your Dreams Cannot Be Achieved. Let's Bust Them!

Have a look at these 10 myths...

Myth #1: You cannot create wealth if you don't have education or money to begin with

This is nonsense. First, education is important. You simply need to know what to do. It is far easier to follow a proven path than to figure it out yourself by trial and error. But education can be acquired, no matter who or where you are. Sure, some people may not afford to go to college or even school. But, if you place one foot forward, and then the next, learn one step at a time, you will ALWAYS find the next step. If you don't know how to start and run a business and cannot go to business school or whatever, you can always take one step forward, learn something small about business, start somewhere, and you will find someone at the end of that step who will teach you the next step. And this applies to anything you wish to accomplish! One step at a time always leads you to the goal. Initially it may be a slow start but sooner or later you will gain momentum. Now, as for money, you also don't need money to get started. The more you develop your RIGHT information and knowledge and RIGHT network of people, the less you need money.

Myth #2: Time = Money. You cannot earn money without exchanging your time for it

More nonsense. It is true that at a certain level, time = money. At a certain level. If you are employed by the hour, then, yes, time = money. But this is NOT a universal principle! Passive income, residual income, capital gains and so on are examples of situations whereby money comes without your direct working for it. Look, production creates money. But it doesn't have to be your hard direct labor doing the production. If you own the value production system (such as a business, an asset, a book you have written (or paid someone to write for you), a list of buyers in a particular area, a network marketing down line, a membership website whereby you have placed some instructional materials that members pay access fees to you for, shares, a content site with Google AdWords, rental property, etc) or pay someone else to work, then you don't have to work to enjoy the benefits. The more you develop your RIGHT information and knowledge and RIGHT network of people, and package yourself to create passive income systems, the less you need to work! The key word there is 'packaging'. Packaging allows for you to be untied from your work. You can now export, mass produce and mass distribute your strengths, knowledge, skills, resources, etc. Do you know how to achieve self-packaging (and we are not talking about dressing up nicely here)?

Myth #3: The education system is adequate

It is adequate at training people to get a job, to be artists and doctors and lawyers, and so on. But it does NOT show you how to be financially and time free. It simply doesn't! Our current education system was designed in the 1800s to produce people who fit into the work gaps in society, the machinery... It was the industrial age, after all. We needed people to work in the factories, to invent things, to administrate, to provide health services support, and so on. There was no agenda to teach people to be financially and time free. Maybe, as civilization advances, this will be commonly taught. But at this stage in our civilization, this information is held by less than 2% of the population, perhaps. But all you are missing is this information. Those whom you may admire for having financial and time freedom simply have the information that you don't.

Myth #4: Work hard, and you will achieve financial liberation

OK, do you really believe that in and of itself, hard work is the key? I know tons of people who work very hard and are still struggling, as I am sure you do, too. And I know several people who are financially liberated and still choose to work hard. There is nothing wrong with hard work. It is all up to you. And then I know of those who hardly work, and they too are financially and time free. It is up to you. But what I hope we can agree on is that hard work is not the key. You need to apply your efforts along the right plan, leverage it using the rights systems and people, applying proven processes that lead to achievement time and time again. Once you have reached a certain level, work is optional, but chances are, because you will most likely reach such a level by doing what you love, you will tend to work anyways! Because you love what you do!

Myth #5: Fix your weaknesses if you wish to succeed

It is far easier to come from competence (strength) to excellence than it is to come from mediocrity to competence. We all have strengths and weaknesses. Why bother improve your weaknesses? It takes far too much effort, too much time, and it isn't fun! Working within your strengths is super-fun, has high growth, and great results. So why not spend the BULK of your time doing what you love and are strong at, and let those who are strong in your areas of weakness handle your weaknesses for you? It is a synergistic way of looking at things, and if you know how to apply this principle, wow! Your life will zoom up!

Myth #6: Struggle is normal

No its not. Struggle is a result of not being in the flow. In flow with what? With yourself! With how things work! With the natural order of things! With other people and systems (hence the power of leverage)!

Myth #7: Solve it yourself. Figure it out. Do it yourself (DIY)

Oh, boy, this is a big one! We were raised believing that it is virtuous to figure it out, to solve things. Well, solving things has its place. And its place is in inventions. In things we don't know about. At one time, we didn't have mobile phones, now we do. Through figuring it out, trial and error, decades of research, we invented mobile telephony. Now, in 2008, why on earth would you want to re-invent the mobile phone? Just buy one! Its cheaper and faster. Now, most likely, 99% of your life contains things that have been done well by someone else. And in achieving your dream life, you would be treading a path that has been walked upon in the past by others. So why not take advantage of global learning and evolution, eliminate trial and error, and simply learn from those who have succeeded before you in the path you wish to follow. We have been told that it is strong, manly even, to figure it out yourself. That it is weak to seek help. Trash those ideas right now and start emulating succeed. Copy success!

Myth #8: Life is risky, play safe

If you run away from risks, you also run from its rewards. Life rewards risk! Life rewards risk, mightily! And life teaches via failure, guiding the failed to future success. It is far more painful to remain in mediocrity than to try and try again and make it. Life will assist you! Now, having said that, there is no point being a damned fool about risk. Take risk, but find ways in which you can manage risk. And the best way to manage risk is to get rid of unseen corners, get rid of ignorance. How do you do that? By copying those who have succeeded before you, by learning from those who are there already! Risk management is not the same as risk avoidance. Don't run from risk; manage it.

Myth #9: Your retirement is handled automatically if you just do your work now at your job

Anyone up for a good laugh? Hopefully, we all now know that this isn't true. It just flat out isn't true. That is a fable that used to be told in the 1950s to new factory workers. Work hard and then retire! Now we know that those who don't have their retirement sorted will have 10 to 20 years or more of very hard living at a fraction of their past income. Think about it. If you retire at 65 years of age and live to 80 or more, what kind of life do you think a retirement benefit scheme from your employer will give you? You may end up having to work at a video store after you consume your retirement fund. And at that age, few banks will give you loans, and so on. Retirement has NOTHING to do with age, and NOTHING to do with being able to live without working. You can retire at 25 years of age if you have put together a passive income system. And without an adequate passive income system, retiring at 65 won't magically make money come to you. Retirement is simply the ability to stop having to work because you own a system that can replace your income for you. A long time ago, some governments were able to do this for their citizens, to provide such a system for those who reached a certain age. Hence the common confusion nowadays that retirement has something to do with age and it automatically provides for passive income. Nowadays, most governments are unable to adequately provide for those who retire simply because they have hit the 65 years of age mark. The benefits available are meager at best. Out of the top of my head, I think that only the Scandinavian countries, especially Norway, have a suitable retirement scheme. The rest just aren't enough or aren't there anymore.

Myth #10: Don't be yourself!

This is the mother of all the myths. We are fed this myth in so many different ways and through so many different channels. There is the prevailing idea that you cannot be yourself and succeed. You are taught to change yourself to fit a certain 'standard', to accept certain ideas... to blend in! In fact, you are even rewarded for blending in, for losing your natural essence, for dropping your own way. The rewards are piecemeal. Often consisting of minor promotions, small raises, stars on sheets of paper. All the time, the big reward, your life lived in passion, is held at bay, unlived. Look, you may copy successful ways of life, but you don't have to stop being yourself. In fact, being yourself is the best thing you can do for your success. Accept your strengths and weaknesses, then apply your strengths 100%. Whatever they may be. Accept your passions! Then follow your heart 100%! Know your natural path and ways, then harmonize that with the world and follow your path. I am not calling for a rebellion for the sake of rebellion. That is just as unproductive as conforming. What I am saying is, be at peace with who you are, leverage your power and passions, learn what you need to learn from those who have succeeded at what you wish to accomplish, then follow your way, and you will succeed so well, and you will be happy because it will be in doing what you love! BUT WAIT! Didn't they tell us, when we were younger, that we can't just do what we love, that we have to do what we are told, and work in careers selected from a menu that was presented to us when we were too young to know any better? Yes, they did tell us these things! And now we believe them, we accept them as facts of life. Wake up! They aren't facts of life! They are just beliefs about life. You can do what you love and succeed mightily. You simply need to know how.

For more information on how to burst these myths, go here:

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Series of descending and ascending trials runs...Image via Wikipedia

Subliminal learning is the use of techniques that allow people to learn even without any conscious effort at all. It does this by exposing one to stimulus they are not or barely aware of – images that flash on the screen for barely perceptible moments, words played over and over again at a volume just above the hearing threshold, or other such stimulus. The discovery of such methods has aroused the excitement of many people because of its potential to boost the learning process and make acquiring new skills a lot more painless and effective.

The possibilities are definitely boundless. Just imagine. If this were true, you would be able to learn new things without having to buckle down and do the dirty work. For example, it has been argued that learning a language is theoretically possible using subliminal techniques – no need for books, teachers, and other learning implements, except for your subliminal learning equipment. You also won’t have to lose time to learn tedious language lessons. You could have your subliminal equipment on while you do other stuffs – and in some programs – even while you sleep.

Some common applications of subliminal learning include new languages, vocabulary skills, music, and even behavior modification programs.

It may seem ridiculous at first, but once you get a good grasp of the theories of learning – plus the potential and limitations of subliminal learning - you will find out that it really isn’t implausible after all. For example, there are actually things you do every day that you learn even if you don’t expend any conscious effort to do so.

Ever wondered how a song got stuck in your head even if you hated the song and tried your best not to pay attention to it? Somehow, the meaty chorus of the song finds its way into your subconscious and never leaves, doesn’t it?

What about words? Haven’t you wondered how a certain word came into your vocabulary even though you never remembered trying to memorize the word or use it purposefully? You probably heard the word somewhere – maybe at work, or from your friends, or even from the TV or the radio, and suddenly, poof, it’s made permanent residence in your head - without your notice.

Now, looking at these examples, people have begun to wonder about the possibilities if we could push the envelope and take advantage of this particular quirk in one’s learning process to somehow “accelerate” the rate of learning among students. Thus was born the wonders of subliminal learning.

Scientists have been digging hard and thorough on the subject of subliminal learning. Although it is theoretically possible to have such techniques do much for accelerated learning, there will always be skeptics who look for empirical proof from scientific studies before even considering subliminal learning. Little by little, these scientists have come to learn more about how we process and store knowledge, and are receiving heartening results from their studies on subliminal learning.

On a small scale, they are convinced that some skills can be learned through subliminal learning – especially those that are not “high-process” data such as patterns, words, numbers, and other easy visual data. Other skills such as languages and mathematics are “high-process” skills that require full attention and thought when performed. However, learning these skills is still beneficial when learned in conjunction with subliminal learning.


Life Purpose Revealed - Law Of Attraction Market.

Subliminal Messages Extreme.

Weight Loss Subliminal Software.

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Street Hypnosis Exposed by Helping Others

Sugesti yang efektifImage by I H A via Flickr

One of the most valuable ways to use your hypnosis skills is to help people solve seemingly difficult problems.

These can be problems of a personal nature, such as changing a destructive habit. Or situations such as difficult business negotiations.

And the reason why this skill is so valuable to you is that people will be happy to reward you handsomely for helping them.

There's a saying.

"You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want."

One of the best ways to help people is to use the little understood power of covert or conversational hypnosis.

Master hypnotist Igor Ledochowski is an acknowledged expert in this field.

For many years he was very "in demand" as a consultant to major corporations and other high-level organizations.

One of the reasons why he was so highly valued was his skills as a troubleshooter. He was the "Go To Guy" when all else failed.

And his success was due to his expertise in covert hypnosis.

The secrets Igor discovered as a troubleshooter are revealed in the new Master Class program "The Stunning Secret Of Covert Trances That Will Have You Changing People's Minds More Often Than They Change Their Socks!"

With these secrets, you too can be a skilful problem solver, even a high-powered troubleshooter if that's what you desire.

Get This Incredible 80 page $7 Report Here

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Manifesting Mistakes?

Do You Make These 3 Mistakes with Manifesting?

Looking back at my own life I have made many mistakes over and over again. They say there is a lesson to learn in each mistake, and there is no need to make the same mistake twice.

For a long time some of my mistakes just kept repeating themselves. It seemed a common and recurring theme, and I had no idea how to get a handle on it.

It took me many years to finally get out of this jungle of repeating mistakes and to find the answers. When you finally get them, the answers seem to be ridiculously easy to follow.

Mistake 1: Thinking You Don't Have Enough Time For It

We all live by the same physical rules; however, the same set of rules seems to appear differently to each of us. How often have you told someone (or yourself) that you don't have time for something? We only have 24 hours in a day—you alone decide what you do in these hours.

It seems to be more convenient to say “I don't have the time” rather than saying “I don't want to use my time on it.” Can you feel the difference? In the first phrase you have not taken ownership of your time—someone else has the time. You put yourself in the role of being a slave to time itself, and, if you are honest with yourself, it does not feel at all empowering.

In the second phrase we take full responsibility for our time. Know that this may upset some people when you say it. You tell them that whatever they want from you is not necessarily as important for you as for them. In reality, you are just being honest and this will, in the end, make you feel humble.

The interesting thing is that when you start doing this, you will attract more honest people in your life. You will get more comfortable over time with expressing this kind of yourself in this way to others and people will start appreciating your honesty. You will soon see the rewards.

Your dreams will come true if you make the time available to manifest them. Have you already used the
Setting Intention sheet in your ebook? If not, the best time is now!

  • Make a list of what you want to achieve in your life over the next few years.
  • Make a list of your most inner desires
  • Make a list of your life dreams

Set your mental blueprint. This is the beginning of all your dreams coming true. Most people fail with business intentions in particular and life intentions in general because they never create the blueprint in the first place that makes them happen. They are too busy with putting their valuable attention on daily clusters. Make sure you are not one of them.

Mistake 2: You Don't Like How It Is, Therefore You Try to Change It

You cannot change what you don't like! Too much of your attention is focused on the problem rather than on the solution.

Start with accepting your current situation. Take full ownership of it. Understand that it is somehow a result of your thoughts and actions, even if you don't comprehend why. Let go of any sadness or anger you hold towards yourself and others. Forgive yourself and others. We all make mistakes, and mistakes are not necessarily the bad things as you have come to believe.

Making mistakes (and understanding them) is how each of us learn to move on through life. Simply understand that your past and current actions did not lead to the results that you have expected. That's it—don't take it too seriously.

Only after you have gained a neutral perspective towards your current solution is it time to take a new approach. Being neutral means that when you think about it, no other thoughts or feelings come up. However you feel about it in the moment, no second feelings will arise.

Mistake 3: You Are Discouraged - Therefore You Give Up

You had the best intentions. You put in all your efforts and you certainly believed in your goals and dreams. However, nothing really ever changed—you are frustrated and discouraged. You start to believe that it is not meant to be. Maybe God does not want you to experience achieving your goals. You start finding all kinds of excuses why your dreams did not manifest. Finally you give up—you admit to yourself that you obviously don't have the power to pull this off. This is the place where dreams vaporize, where evaporating goals become a part of history that nobody will ever see.

Besides having no dreams and goals at all, this is the second most prevalent reason why people never fulfill their dreams.

It is important that you hold your intention and reconnect with it at all times. If your ego gets too involved, you’ll try to force it to happen. Allow yourself enough time and space to let your intention manifest in its own way and under its own conditions. Understand that the more people your intention serves the more likely it will happen.

Discouragement is not failure, it simply means that your expectations have gotten ahead of you.

Pay attention to the coincidences in your life, as they will show you the way. They may seem insignificant, but they are real. Acknowledge them, be grateful to what you have and then act on whatever opportunities come up.

There are no unrealistic dreams; there are only unrealistic time frames.

Thomas Herold

Brought to you by Timothy Kendrick International

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How to get anything out of life.... in 68 seconds

How to Get Anything Out of Life... In 68 Seconds!

Let's keep this simple. As simple as can be. What do you want?

More money? A new house? A nice luxury car? A holiday in France? A new boyfriend or girlfriend? An athletic body? Whatever it is, it is a physical result, is it not? Physicality.

Why? For what feeling? So you can feel secure? Happy? Fulfilled? Whatever the reason is, it so that you can feel good, feel free, and experience satisfaction of some kind. It is to enjoy your self one way or the other. Feeling.

So how do you get whatever it is that you want in your life, easily? Here is the formula for all creation of one's reality. And trust me; it is as easy as you make it to be. If you complicate it, it gets complicated to that degree. If you keep it as simple as it is, it becomes a seeming miracle, simple yet profoundly powerful, a sign of mastery.

And now, the formula:

Step 1: Ask

How do you ask and who do you ask it to? You don't have to address your asking to anything or anyone or any deity. The asking is simply your desire and how you feel about it. It is automatic and natural. All you have to do is to be clear on what you want, as clear as you can be. Don't bother about how you will achieve your desire - the way will show up step by step automatically. Just be clear only on the end result, not necessarily on the way to get there. What is the end result you desire, exactly? Imagine it has already happened.

Also, forget about what you don't want. Here is why: whatever you are putting your attention on is what is being asked for. Where your attention is indicates what it is you are asking. How it is that you are feeling indicates what it is that you are asking. Your attention and feeling will show you, predictably, what it is you are creating in the future and how it will feel like when you get it.

Step 2: The Universe Answers

At conception, we are all 90 percent water. You probably know how to have sex. But do you know how to put together a baby from water and all the other elements of nature? No! no scientist in this world today can go grab some water and so on, and put together babies. Yet we make them without knowing how!

Here is the magic of the universe. The universe is always expanding, always and in all ways. Eternity and infinity. It expands as a function of answering all the desires of all parts of it (even your individual cells ask through their natural preferences for health, nutrition, bliss, and so on).

Did you know that there are many Nobel Laureate quantum physicists that have proven without doubt that the act of observing is what creates that which is being observed? In other words, without doubt, you see what you believe. You create your reality. What you intend to observe is what the universe creates in your experience.

This has been proven by quantum physicists many times over the last few decades. If you would like to explore this in more detail, have a look at the eBook A Happy Pocket Full of Money from

Literally, scientifically, the universe creates your desire. It handles the "how". So the more you let go and allow life to unfold as it does, the faster you let creation happen for you. Let go of the how, so that you can allow it to come to you in the fastest way possible, including ways you would never have thought about. If you insist on the how, you block other pathways and possibilities. Also, let go of the need, of the anxiety, insecurity, shame, guilt, or whatever, because these feelings only destroy. Let go internally and externally.

Step 3: Receive

This is the final step and the one that most people seem to mess up. You must receive. Reception is very much like the way a radio receives its channels. It tunes into the channel. The radio must match itself to the broadcast frequency for you to receive any music from it.

In the same way, you must match yourself to that which you asked for so that you may see it appear in your life and experience it. This is the key. And there are two parts to it:

First and most importantly, match your feelings. How would it feel to have that which you asked for? Feel that now. How would it feel to drive that amazing car or have that amazing partner or that amazing business? Feel that now. Feel good. When you feel fear, anxiety, despair, and so on, you are not in alignment.

Secondly, act on inspiration and "coincidences". You will notice opportunities cropping up in your days. Take them. If you meet someone who somehow mentions something to do with what you are seeking, follow that clue. If you feel the urge to make a phone call or visit a place, do that. It may take one step or a thousand, and you won't always know how far down the road you have come, but you are guaranteed to get there if you keep taking one step at a time.

So what is the 68 seconds all about? Well, research has now shown that if you hold a thought for 68 seconds, it begins to materialize into form. It really is that simple.

The materials of Abraham by Jerry and Ester Hicks also expand on this simple formula, for those of you who wish to investigate it further. The e-book "A Happy Pocket Full of Money" from goes into the actual way that the universe goes about creating your reality and more.

Life is a miracle. When you are not experiencing miracles, you are probably struggling up the hard way to get things done. Share this knowledge with others and talk about it; grow it within your friends. As you do, test it. Test it over and over again in all areas of your life, perhaps with the small things first. And as you do, you will notice more evidence of it, and as you practice you will become better at using it and creating a life of miracles as the norm. Forward this article to as many people as you can, then invite them to a discussion. The fastest way to grow in this wisdom is to create your own mastermind of miracles!

* * *

David Cameron is the author of wealth and self development books such as A Happy Pocket Full of Money, showing many how to create the lives of their dreams and beyond.

Brought to you by Timothy Kendrick International

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You Must Change the 148,000 No's In Your Subconscious to Yes's

Are you going to Scarbo....

Image by janusz l via Flickr

You Must Change the 148,000 No's In Your Subconscious to Yes's

What does it take to succeed? How can you move forward - no, take
a quantum leap forward - in your achievements, in realizing your

According to some research, a person who grows up in an average,
reasonably positive home is told "no" or told what he or she
cannot do over 148,000 times before they hit their 18th birthday!
The number of "yes'" or encouragement on what they can do is far
smaller than the "no's", "shoulds" and "shouldn'ts" (which are
all "no's").

So what?

Well, think about it. The results you achieve in your life are a
result of the actions you take. So what determines the actions
you will take?

Let us first discuss the power of practice and repetition. We all
know that repetition creates habit. Our brains and physiology
learns through repetition. We are pattern-making and pattern-
following creatures. Practice makes perfect. Whether you like it
or not, the more you repeat something, the more it becomes part
of you.

Repetition is programming. Repetition is programming. And 148,000
"no's" is a lot of programming!

Repetition creates programming, which in turn creates beliefs,
which in turn determine your thoughts and emotions, which in turn
determine your actions, which in turn determine your results.

Have you noticed how you tend to think the same kind of thoughts
over and over again? Studies show that we have about 50,000
thoughts per day, and a whooping 90% of them are repetitive! Like
an old, tired record. And remember, repetition creates patterns,
habits. You are literally hypnotizing yourself with your repeated

Other research shows that 77% of everything that most people
think about is negative, self-damaging, hindering, and
counterproductive. Now, remember, your results come from your
actions, and your actions come from your thoughts, and your
thoughts come from your beliefs, and beliefs come from your
programming (what you repeatedly tell yourself or get told).

It goes even further than that. Your subconscious mind controls
almost everything about you. For example, it controls your
autonomic nervous system. What is that? Here is what the
Microsoft Encarta encyclopedia says: "Autonomic Nervous System,
in vertebrate anatomy, one of the two main divisions of the
nervous system, supplying impulses to the body's heart muscles,
smooth muscles, and glands. The autonomic system controls the
action of the glands; the functions of the respiratory,
circulatory, digestive, and urogenital systems; and the
involuntary muscles in these systems and in the skin. Controlled
by nerve centers in the lower part of the brain, the system also
has a reciprocal effect on the internal secretions, being
controlled to some degree by the hormones and exercising some
control, in turn, on hormone production." Which all means that
your hormones, energy levels, actions and so forth are controlled
by the subconscious mind. If you have told yourself that you are
clumsy, the subconscious will work with your hormones, motor
, and so on and make you act, move and talk stupid. If you
have told yourself that you don't fit in social situations, you
will find yourself standing in the corner not fitting. Whatever
you say, boss. Your subconscious is like a computer. Whatever you
program into it, it makes happen. No questions asked. You are the
boss, and whatever you say, happens.

Your imagination, your thoughts, what you perceive, what you
don't perceive, what you see and what you miss, how you act, what
you feel... these are all determined by one thing: your
programming, what you repetitively tell yourself (and what you
repetitively got told or observed during your youthful formation

So how do you take the quantum leap, how do you step out of the
box of your own thoughts and see beyond it. How do you program
yourself for success? Well, the same way you create all
programming: practice. Repetition. You have to not only find what
works positively for you, but you have to practice that new
positive way over and over until it becomes part of you. Positive
thinking and self-help advice will not work unless you make it
permanent for you by practicing it over and over. Your entire
physiology has to be rewired; your neural pathways (which create
pattern and memory) have to be redrawn. All this happens by
practice. Repetition. Repetition. Repetition. Practice. Then one
day, like with everything else you ever learnt through practice,
you just find yourself automatically doing it! It becomes you!

Ok, now how fast and to what extent can you grow your
consciousness within one lifetime? The quick and dirty answer is
that there is an average rate of growth, but there are no limits.
According to Dr. David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D., in his
bestselling book Power vs. Force, people on average tend to
increase their consciousness by 5 points in a lifetime (on a
scale of 0 to 1000). So if you were born at a consciousness level
of 300, you tend to get to 305 by the time you die. But that is
an average that includes billions of people. There is nothing to
limit anyone except their own choices. Many are on record for
having achieved 100% or even 2000% increases or more, where they
are literally renewed and are different in just about everyway. A
transformation happens.

So if you wish to leap forward, know that nothing stops you. But
also know that you have to leap forward in your mind first. You
have to re-write the negative programming that is keeping you
where you are. And re=programming is done best through acting in
the new way and practicing that over and over until it becomes
part of you. The more you open up, let go, allow, trust and not
resist or defend your old ways, the faster you will move forward.
Practice. Whatever you do, practice until it becomes you. And it
will happen automatically, you will find yourself anew.

Article written by David Cameron Gikandi. For even greater
insights into your quest for wealth and financial liberty and
ability, go here:

Images Of One

Brought to you by Timothy Kendrick International

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